March 31, 3pm Easter “Egg” Hunt at College Hill park near tennis courts
2024 Quarterly Meeting Dates
March 12, 2024
June 11, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Dec. 10, 2024
Pool Fundraiser dates
TBD come June 2024
Winter Quarterly CHNA Meeting
At East Heights United Methodist Church Chapel Enter at the “Garden entrance” on the East of the church.
Fall Quarterly CHNA Meeting
At East Heights United Methodist Church Chapel Enter at the “Garden entrance” on the East of the church.
Pool BBQ Fundraiser
Burger, hotdog, chips and drink for $10 a plate. Great time of community and evening swim!

Summer Quarterly CHNA Meeting
At East Heights United Methodist Church Chapel Enter at the “Garden entrance” on the East of the church.

Garage Sale Weekend
A weekend when the neighborhood gets the word out to the community about garage sales happening in our neighborhood. You do NOT have to choose this weekend, but will potentially benefit from a bit of extra signage and promotion of customers coming to our neighborhood for this Thursday to Saturday weekend.

Easter Egg Hunt
Meet at College Hill park just north of the Tennis Courts for family fun and Easter Bunny goodness.
Spring Quarterly CHNA Meeting
Meet at 7pm at East Heights United Methodist Church Chapel (enter through Garden entrance). Come participate in keeping College Hill a great place to live!
December 13th Neighborhood Assn Meeting
Meet in the Chapel at East Heights United Methodist at 7pm for our quarterly meeting. This meeting includes our annual election meeting remember to come with your legal ID that shows you reside within the College Hill Neighborhood (Central,Hillside, Oliver, Kellogg).
Winter Neighborhood Meeting
We meet the 1st Tuesday of Feb., May, August and November. Most meetings are held at East Heights United Methodist in the Chapel (garden entrance on East side of church).

Fall Neighborhood Meeting
We meet the 1st Tuesday of Feb., May, August and November. Most meetings are held at East Heights United Methodist in the Chapel (garden entrance on East side of church).

Summer Neighborhood Meeting
Our Summer meeting is held at the College Hill Pool. We meet, do business and then swim- bring the kids!
Pool Fundraiser/BBQ
Join us for a pool fundraiser dinner and swim. $6 buys a hamburger/hotdog, chips and a drink as well as admission to a night swim with friends. Benefits of the fundraiser go to the Pool fund for benefits such as chaise lounge chairs, upkeep and extra swim time as needed.
Spring Neighborhood Meeting
We meet the 1st Tuesday of Feb., May, August and November. Most meetings are held at East Heights United Methodist in the Chapel (garden entrance on East side of church).